Proof Positive Many clinical trials have demonstrated that glucosamine
results in less pain due to cartilage deterioration and a wider range of
The first studies were performed in the 1960s, using
injectable forms of glucosamine sulfate. When glucosamine sulfate became
available in pill form, research switched to this.
Up to the present, most glucosamine studies have been
performed outside of North America. In all of these studies, glucosamine
sulfate proves to maintain joint health.
An early study in Italy found that 20 percent of those
using glucosamine sulfate became "symptom-free." Nearly 25
percent had no restriction of active or passive movement. The
researchers concluded that glucosamine sulfate rebuilt damaged
cartilage. Clinical Therapeutics 3, no. 4 (1980): 226-272.
A large-scale study looked at over 1,200 patients with
osteoarthritis. Results show that pain decreased throughout the trial,
that both active and passive movement improved, and that glucosamine
proved to work for six to 12 weeks after treatment had stopped.
Pharmatherapeutica 3, no. 3 (1982): 157-168.
In a study comparing glucosamine sulfate to the pain
reliever ibuprofen, the ibuprofen proved more effective the first two
weeks, but then faded. After eight weeks, the glucosamine sulfate group
reported better results. Current Medical Research and Opinioin 8, no.
3 (1982): 145-149.
More recently, Italian researchers found glucosamine to
be more effective than placebos or traditional NSAIDs (nonsteroidal
anti-inflammatory drugs) in treating osteoarthritis. Osteoarthritis
and Cartliage 5, supplement A (1997): 82.
It should be noted that although there are positive
results in all of these studies, not all participants experience them.
Thus, although glucosamine works for many people, it does not necessarily
work for all people.
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contains two types of glucosamine—glucosamine sulfate and glucosamine
hydrochloride (HCL)—with methylsulfonylmethane (MSM) and boswellin
extract. This unique formula provides you with an all-around product to
maintain healthy joints and promote ease of movement.
Frame Essentails includes MSM and boswellin extract
Click here for more information of FRAME Essentails
In 6-weeks I have results with Frame Essentials that I didn't see in 8 months with Glucosamine & Chondroitan tablets. I highly recommend Frame Essentials. Bert My experience.
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